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RSC Biomaterials Chemistry meeting – 9-11 Jan 2020

Please note information below regarding RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Annual Conference 2019, 9 January 2019 12:00 – 11 January 2019 13:00, Liverpool

The annual RSC Biomaterials chemistry meeting brings together researchers from across the UK and internationally, working to advance knowledge and focus on biomaterial chemistry research and development.

The event aims to enhance the understanding of the chemistries underlying the use of biomaterials in applications including antimicrobial surfaces, drug delivery and regenerative medicine. The focus of this years meeting is Anti-Infective Materials and Device Related Infections, Biomaterials for Therapeutic Delivery, Biomaterials for Tissue Induction and Regenerative Medicine and Bioresponsive Surfaces.

Currently, our plenary speakers are Professor Robert Hancock (University of British Columbia, Canada), Professor John Fisher (Leeds), Professor Graham Leggett (University of Sheffield) and Professor Rasmita Raval (University of Liverpool).