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6th TERMIS 2021 World Congress – Registration

The 6th Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS) World Congress (WC) will be held online during the week commencing 15 – 19 November 2021. The general theme of the congress is “Biologically inspired technology driven regenerative medicine”, which is fully reflected in the 9 parallel thematic sessions. The congress program also consists of a number of special sessions, including national societies sessions, SYIS sessions, industrial sessions, clinical sessions, European Project sessions, lunch workshops, and our usual business plan competition. Further details and links through to registration for the conference can be found on the TERMIS-WC2021 website.

If you have had an abstract accepted for poster or oral presentation, the change of the congress to a digital format does not change your acceptance of your abstract and symposium in the program. If you are experiencing difficulties with the registration link on the above website, you can also register through this link.  The local organising committee encourages you to register as soon as possible to ensure you have the opportunity to present your research to the wider community.